• 375ml bellissima bottle 330

    The 375ml bottle is an ideal choice for packaging premium ice wines. Its elegant, slim design, combined with high-quality glass, provides optimal preservation for delicate wines.
  • 375ml bellissima bottle

    The 375ml clear Bellissima bottle is a refined option for packaging dessert wines, ice wines, and other sweet beverages. Designed for smaller pours and featuring a punted bottom, this bottle type is highly popular among winemakers for showcasing the color and clarity of their product.
  • 375 ml bottle

    The 375ml clear bottle is a versatile, stylish option for storing wine, oil, or beverages. Its compact size is perfect for small batches and gift packaging, while the clear glass enhances the visual appeal of your product.
  • 375ml bordeaux bottle

    Our 375ml wine bottles are the perfect solution for smaller batches of wine, olive oils, dessert wines, and more. Made from durable antique green glass, these bottles measure 63mm in diameter, 255mm in height, and weigh 320g.

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