• 187ml burgundy bottle

    The 187ml Burgundy bottle, made from antique green glass, is ideal for smaller wine servings or product sampling. With a sleek, traditional Burgundy design, it offers both aesthetic appeal and functional durability.
  • 375ml burgundy wine bottle

    The 375ml Burgundy wine bottle is an excellent choice for small-scale wine bottling and other craft beverages. Made from durable glass, it is ideal for packaging red and white wine varieties such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Syrah.
  • burgundy bottle

    Burgundy bottles, with their iconic design and functional versatility, are widely recognized in the world of wine packaging. These bottles, featuring a long neck and gently sloping shoulders, are perfect for a range of wines, including red, white, and rosé.
  • burgundy bottle with screw-top

    The 750ml Burgundy bottle, recognized by its wide body and gently sloping shoulders, is the preferred choice for a variety of red and white wines. This classic design, with its wide base and thicker glass, offers superior stability and UV protection, making it ideal for long-term storage and aging.
  • 750ml clear screw burgundy bottle

    The 750ml clear Burgundy bottle is designed for both aesthetic appeal and functionality. Commonly used for lighter wines such as Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and sweet reds, this bottle offers a standard screw cap finish and is widely utilized by wineries worldwide.
  • wholesale 750ml screw burgundy bottle

    The 750ml Antique Green Burgundy bottle, with its iconic wide body and sloped shoulders, offers an ideal packaging solution for a wide variety of wines.
  • 750ml Burgundy Bottle Wholesale

    With a cork finish and gently sloping shoulders, the 750ml antique green Burgundy wine bottle is ideal for storing red and white wines like Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Syrah. The deep punt at the base helps separate sediments from the wine, enhancing the aging process.
  • clear corked burgundy bottle

    The 750ml Clear Corked Burgundy Wine Bottle is an essential component for winemakers and enthusiasts seeking a reliable, high-quality vessel for wine storage. Designed for wines such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Syrah, this bottle combines functionality with classic Burgundy style.

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